Free Maxim for 1 year

Poop! Has anyone received there’s? Figured this would happen…

nah i didnt get this either… wtf solarian… fuck you big time

lol didnt get mine too!! :expressionless:

yeah I didn’t get mine either…

Neither did I :frowning: Fuck whoever posted it up on G35Driver and tricked me too :smiley:

Damn you…

I’ve signed up for a ton of these free year things and all I get is spam sent to my e-mail. FML.

my email gets new spam every day now.
and no free maxim.

I didn’t get any spam shrugs either that, or gmail is better at blocking it for me.

i vote solarian has to buy us all a one year subscription to maxim now.

haha jk

really i got mine. no joke

wtf, seriously ur not joking?

i got nothing, not even spam :frowning:

im not joking i got it. Only one so far and it took a while to get it, but it did come.