FS: 1985 Toyota Corolla GTS

new pictures are up
its still a little dirty, haven’t had time to clean it up

would you be able to get underbody pix (frame rails, floors etc) and maybe one from the engine bay?

pics of under body??? and the common rust hole on the front left strut tower by manifold…? Looks rusted by the looks of it. but at least the price is right…no 5k bs like alot of other people

you are right, it is not a rust free car, it does have rust but nothing that cant be fixed
when i get a chance ill take pics of those specific areas

does the speedometer work yet?

yes it always worked, its the interior lights that need to be fixed

whats a good time to come check out the car?

price drop to $1900
some one come pick up this original gts

hey man
im might be interested in the GTS
i had one too but i sold it … been regreting it ever since…lol
i live in brampton too… can i come see it over the weekend maybe??

YES, come to the dark side…lol. as said before, pics of the fram rails would be nice.

trade for an Auto FC?

no trades looking for cash only!!
offers welcome need to get rid of it fast

do you got any pics of the underbody, enginebay, the rust spots and can you email it to jphounpadith@hotmail.com

its not to bad of a car.there a cracked winshield and it needs some tlc on the body .other then that its a great project car.if it wasn’t for the rusted passenger door and cracked winshield i concider taking it

Pm sent, would like to work something out asap.


some one somewhere must still have the feeling of Initial D to buy this…paint it panda and be like Takumi! :smiley: meh, free bump for you.

final price drop to $1500 firm!!!

I’ll give you the same offer I gave the Starlet.

I’ll trade you a Silvertop 20v and a brand new Lincoln Electric welder. :slight_smile:

another price drop now $1250
come take it away