FS: 2004 Accord V6 6spd


I almost just fell out of my chair. Holyyy Shit!

Ive got some of those jagged style safety scissors from when I was 5 or so.
You can borrow them if you want.

you think i could get it in with chief running waters daughter?

I dont understand why everyone make’s fun of kbizz and sarah anymore. It was funny the first week now its old.

real clean johnny GLWS

dying +rep ahahaha

thanks man

bump cause you accidently gave me a double + rep

Haha idk how that happened thanks kkidd

^kid’s clearly looking for a threesome

oh and glws shownayy, car is xtranice

Yeah, I’ll take white Oprah and hybrdthry911’s retarded twin brother.


thats no way to talk about joey, and the other guy looks like a fatter version of johnny k with a touch of down syndrome and no eye-wear

Hahah. O my god. Just pee’d my pants a little bit

This car is purty, i member following him around in troy looking for that rpi show