ill paint the fronts green for the cost of materials
sorry if this has been asked/answered already but are you willing to part with one or two of your aftermarket parts?
If not, GLWS!
sorry I sold the bike, complete, today
hmmmm. who bought it?
friend of mine, don’t think he’s on here.
you’ll see it at UB when it’s registered
ah word. I know Brent was interested, that’s why I asked.
word… get what you wanted? anybody i know?
his name is adam, and i let it go for 4k. way less than what I wanted for it, less than what I have into it, but whatever
Congrats on it selling, Dre :tup:
Back up for sale.
My buddy bought it and needed me to buy it back so I did. Still for sale, $4k
If you still wanna part the wheels or GPR, let me know, Dre.
Ill buy it if you’ll accept low monthly payments lol
that sucks dre. glwts
i was gonna say, I looked at this thread yesterday and it said sold, and then I saw
GLWS, wish I had the cash thats an awesome deal
just throwing this back out there
I would maybe take the GPR for my R6, dont think I would need mounting kit however. Let me know
shrives what do you want? I will part it out if I can get someone to commit to the frame and motor.
almost forgot; I’d sell for cheaper and keep some of the aftermarket parts. buy it for 3k without race glass, vortex rearsets, damper and pipe
id like the damper and pipe.
If you find a buyer for the bike itself for the cheaper price, i will call dibs right now on those two items.
wtf how are you having a problem selling this
let me see if I can scrap 3k together real quick. I want this damn thing.