FS:Car Alarm Rattler 210D/Remote Starter -10

i kno just messing around with you im bored

if u love tigers ill give you the paint shavings from the door

how much do you want?

for the alarm 15

bump for cheap alarm

the eye of the tiger. glws.

friggin 10 dollars,if no one takes it im gunna hook up the siren under the passanger seat and let it rip on un suspecting people. :bloated:

i guess u r goin to start scaring people


thats not a remote starter right? just an alarm n shit?

its a remote starter if you want it to be lol,idk this is the remote:

If it does start it then thats what the middle button is for right,cause I’ve seen the same symbol on remote starts?

EDIT:its a remote starter too.