FS:Smith goggles

I’ll send you a stamp, mail em to me :slight_smile:

TTT anyone want em???

i should put them on ebay :rofl

Ttt $30 and theyre urs!

bump… someones gotta need a new pair of goggles

give them to me>?

change my tires over for free?


free?? or ill do em my self at my friends :smiley:

$10 a piece

wtf do u need these for anyways?

haha i just realized i dont.

good job assclown lol

fuck your couch

hey post up a pic, even if its just a google link. i might take em, i just bought an orange dc jacket for next year.

first page second post

can’t use em…they have black to em.


25 bucks there yours come get em!

bump one last time