i dont sell stuff on ebay
if anyone wants it make me a offer
You’re still asking way too much for a $60 Fossil watch with Snap-On stamped on it. Sorry to say, you won’t sell that here.
- the retail is $150
- they dont go for more than $40 on ebay:
ok 55 obo
I will give you $10. I need a cheap watch to wear to work.
You got a free watch for spending 2400? wtf
I have $35,000 of my own personal snap on tools and i didnt get fucking shit for free.
lol, i would have rather gotten a t-shirt or a nifty bookbag like the other people i know got
I bought craftman tools. Do the same thing and they replace them for life if they crap out. Two of my good friends are techs and buy mostly snap on and some mac, i cant believe how much $ they have tied up in Snap on tools, but at least they were sent a free jacket.
$10.50 for the watch? if not GLWS
ill do 40 for the watch if anyone wants it call 603-5593 im not guna be online much today
35 obo
up my bid to $11.00
the quality pwns
wow not even a VW?
25 bucks - how big is it, around? like, big wrist, small wrist, adjustable? (or if you could just measure diameter around, that could be much more specific lol)
im skinny and its a lil too big for me so im guessign if your fat it might not fit you, and no i want 35 for it no less