FS: Xbox 360 Price Lowered CHEAP!

Part NHL, money in hand.

280 today :slight_smile:

Part GOW2 out?

everyone wants the games :(the games are the better few lol figured it would be easy to sell the whole bundle my01celica supposed to buy the bundle today but hasnt responded to my txt

part out COD5

lol trying to sell the whole thing guys sorry

hey your phone is off, i tried to call back

hey man all i have to say is bad bussiness on your part. we agreed on 300 after 5 today for the console, cod , gears 2 and nhl09. but you sold them off. so whatever.

I txted you 3 times and you cut off on txtin me at a meeting time and place so thats not my fault sorry dude

im not going to even get pissed off over a damn game. i honestly already have a xbox 360 and just wanted nhl 09 i was going to sell the other games out. so whatever have a good one

Thanks again homie.

everything still is up for sale minus the cod and nhl asking 220

would take 200 shoot me a txt :slight_smile:


hey dumb ass if you waited a few more mins you would of had 300 for it

still for sale?

dude, knock it off. you know how many people say they want to buy something and then flake? this guy made the decision to sell to the first people with cash. gtfo of this thread if you’re just going to bitch.

thanks bro…

just sold it, thanks craigslist

hey 92slowcivic go fuck yourself stay out of someone elses bussiness

↑ Way to be a dick, let it go already, your loss not his.