Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

I can picture everyone in these videos saying this…“I got it, I got it, I got it”

HOLY SHIT!!! (and it’s worksafe once you realize what’s going on)

^ pic 1 = mindfuck.

OMG that was horrible.

lol :clap:

LOLOLOLOLOL to the last whole bunch, awesome work

I LOVE that the spider he used is the one from that email chain where the guy trys to pay the bill with the spider drawing.

I’m not sure, did that spider have 7 legs or 8?

7 at first, but then he said he apologized for it having only 7… so he sent a new one with 8

He did have to ask for it back, so he could put the 8th on.

It’s literally PATHETIC how horrible most people are at controlling a car. You can be the most careful driver in the world, but when it comes to a situation like that you need to have some actual car control skills. I got a good laugh at this video.

Realistically, ice is ice. The control part of it comes from being prepared for the conditions ahead. If it is black ice you’re fucked. Hang on for the ride. I agree that most competent drivers would be able to navigate successfully through most conditions, but ice is different.

I completely disagree. You’re not going along for the ride until you turn the wheel 3 times and lock up all four. Then you’re fucked. Those people where not hitting a patch of black ice at the apex of a downhill turn, it was a straight road where simply maintaining traction is as simple as gentle control inputs.