Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

^^the fuck??

That sure passes inspection. The better question is, what the hell did he do to the rear end to require that abortion?

looks pretty safe too…

Looks to be an older W body, so I’m guessing that junk transverse composite mono-leaf spring broke, and he decided he could rig a better set-up…that’s purely speculation though, and I’m just an idiot.

^^ Yes :tup:
Bud Light Presents: Real Men of Genius
(Real men of Genius)
Today we salute you. Mr. Obvious Highway Signboard Message Creator
(Mr. Obvious Highway Signboard Message Creator)
You make the messages that could save 0.00001% of the population…if they had their eyes closed…while driving…and opened them only to read your signboard.
Sure there’s things that need to be said and even though what you put on that oversized lite brite doesn’t, you put it up there anyway.
Your keen observations make Rhode Island drivers drive even worse than they aready do.
So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Captain Obvious. 'Cause we all know your going to say, what we already know.
(Mr. Obvious Highway Signboard Message Creator!)

OMG :lol: :ham:

Jesus Christ…I just killed some brain cells trying to comprehend her logic.

I can’t even finish that video…

you can spoon it, or if you have mad skills use the chop sticks.

The most annoying thing about that video was that it never even made it to a point where she “got it”…

ugh, I can’t deal with dumb bitches

similar theme:: student gets angry in class about evolution and goes off on prof about god and asks him how evolution kills black people etc…

ssociate Professor Stephen M. Kajiura was reviewing with his evolution class in GS 120 for a midterm when FAU student Jonatha Carr interrupted him: “How does evolution kill black people?” she asked. Kajiura attempted to explain that evolution doesn’t kill anyone.

And then, Carr became violent.

A fellow classmate, Rachel Bustamante, was sitting behind Carr prior to her outburst and noticed she had been avoiding looking at the professor until 11:35 a.m. — that’s when she snapped. The classmate reported that Kajiura was discussing attraction between peacocks when Carr raised her hand to ask her question about evolution. She asked it four times, and became increasingly upset each time Kajiura’s answer failed to satisfy her…

I just don’t understand how the hell she didn’t give herself whiplash…

Some people don’t deserve to have the privilege to breathe. Ugh…must…refrain…from…buffalo…zoo…joke.

I dont understand her question? WTF does a black person have to do with evolution?


Thank you affirmative action based college admissions.