Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

I dont know why, but this put me into the most uncontrollable giggle fit for close to 30 minutes. I literally can not stop laughing.

apparently not.

EVERY.TIME. seriously i giggle every time i say it out loud

I feel you buddy
i go up to my wife and say it and start laughing
she doesnt find it that amusing though

Sorry if I just blew your mind…

yall postin funny pics in here?

no way, the hot girl is about 10 years too young.

And not hot.

Roleing…? XD

^^It was a poor attempt at humor directed towards me because of a typo.

Yea they don’t get much better than that from me, so get used to it.

Try harder?

aww, poor thing. :frowning:

They’d have to drain and sanitize the pool if that was me on the water slide

Spent about 20 mins watching that and laughing, lol.

Cliffs : This guy LA Beast does all kinds of stupid shit,mostly food challenges and in this particular video he almost loses a toe and its pretty sick. Skip to the 1:30 mark to see the goodness.