Funny Vids, Pics and GIFs thread *WORK SAFE*

The slow loris is adorable.

HAHA! this one is even better

Almost as epic as amberlamps.

That uppercut was well deserved…and AWESOME ! !


instead of jailtime i think he should get a medal

“You want to act like a man? I’ll treat you like a man.”

You sir, win.

Well that just made my friday. :lol:

And most of the office is watching it now.

:tup: that was great. I am going to go find the back story now, and the end outcome!

Wow, that sounded like a football helmet to helmet hit!

Fucking animals. I love seeing a bitch get what she deserves, but if that were a white suburban schoolbus we would all be calling for the bus driver’s head for assaulting a poor misguided child who probably comes from a broken home and has shitty parents.

Remember these are the people the GOP wants to shop for health insurance on the open market. That would be fine if we would also let them suffer the consequences of their actions, but that would result in them living in boxes and stealing my shit at night.

OK, to make up for my political infringement in a funneh thread, here is a gif of the bitch getting cold cocked.

Is there an afterstory on this?

Like a boss.

There is too much truth to this post, please edit.

How is her jaw still attached???


I think the best part is it doesnt end in that epic Mortal Kombat-esque uppercut, but that he then immediately grabs her and throws her off the bus lol. Only way it could have gotten better is if he had said “and stay out.”

I really want to know what happened to the bus driver afterwards.

2nd result