GB: Rota wheels v4

Interested in:

(4) 18x8.5 +48 in gunmetal or anything dark

(4) 18x8.5+ in gunmetal/black anything dark - i have seen these wheels around but don’t see them on the site so i don’t know what sizes are available - want 8.5 or 9

edit: or anything that is a good deal in 18x8.5 +48ish… don’t know if any are cheaper than others, i just need something for autocross wheels

(4) 18x8.5 +48 in gunmetal or anything dark

No DPT in stock.

649/set for p45f/r or Torque in that size.

aw man, I just bought wheels and tires… I wanted g-forces too… Oh well, good deals going on here!

damn it. :frowning: No 5X120… I wouldn’t mind some wheels to blast around on and not worry about destroying them on the track

They have some 5X120s.

18X8 Formula 625/set
18X8 P1 625/set
17X7.5 SDX 522/set
18X8.5 Torque 649/set
18X9.5 Torque 689/set

mike you don’t happen to be running any specials on azenis/re-01r’s/z1 star specs to go along with these do you? :slight_smile:

I can’t get any special deals on street tires, but I’ll get you a price on some if you want. Give me a size.

245/40/18’s - i’m guessing the azenis will be the cheapest so lets stick with that (unless somehow either of the other two come in cheaper).

also didn’t mean to sidebar this thread if you don’t want this included in it - i will delete if you want it removed…

price please

  1. GT3 gold w/ polish lip
    15 4x100

  2. GT3 Red with polish lip
    15 4x100

  3. J MAG candy purple
    15 4x100

  1. GT3 gold w/ polish lip
    15 4x100
    15X7 412/set

  2. GT3 Red with polish lip
    15 4x100

  3. J MAG candy purple
    15 4x100

mike ill prob take a set of those white slips, how do we pay ?

Interested in

18 x 7.5 5 x 110 +35 Gunmetal

Sub zeros
plain gold
4x100 +42

steel gray
4x100 +40


cash, paypal, or visa/mastercard. pm me for details.

none in stock. sorry. they have a single wheel in that model in another size. It must have been a short run done for a shop or something.

Sub zeros
They have 4X100 +40 in gold and some other colors in stock.

steel gray
4x100 +40
I’m guessing 16X7 again?
473/set in 16X7
They don’t have steel grey at the moment, but they have several other colors. Any other ones you like?


pmd back

forgot to ask if these come with lugnuts?

center caps and valve stems - yes
lug nuts sold separately. I have lightweight ones for about 40 bucks a set if interested.

cool ill prob grab those too whenever the shipment comes in, are they ones that you need a key for?

Those are. I have another kind that’s a hex style, but they’re more money.