Girl's legs severed on Six Flags' Tower of Power

i went to kennywood yesterday and i did ride the pitfall once. the most people i seen in line at one time was about 15-20. could of rode it a hundred times.

rides at places like kennywood and such are more safe than a PAT bus IMO. they are inspected and serviced daily. every so often something like this will happen and will be a big deal because its so rare. there is certain risk with anything you do in life. you could choak on your food and die. No reason to be scared going to an amusment park and ride rides.

Wow that is terrible!

Also on rare accidental death note:
More people die in vending machine accidents and television accidents yearly than shark attacks.

look on the bright side, she’ll have thee dopest wheelchair on the block :smiley:

i wonder if they tried to re attach? didnt say anything about that. seeing as they were cut off so swift the cut may have been clean enough to do. either way its not the end of the world. Oldsangel has a positive outlook about her handicap. she will be competing in the Xtremity game ( amputee X games) at the end of july.