Hello there fellow foxbodypimpmutharidinfuka. I also see you at the wnymustang(i am venoumus93)
What up man, good to see you here. Hopefully your out driving that stang for a change. Looks good.
:tup: congrats on the engagement man
time for a minivan :tup:
Damn right. I was looking at an Odyssey but they don’t have enough baby seat anchors. So now I am checking out the Freestar. Caravans are nice and they have that wicked V6 power, but everyone seems to be rockin’ those nowadays.
Decisions, decisions.
ugh. so purty.
don’t often see that color on foxes, very common on SHO’s though. :tup:
Thank you. Yeah I have seen a few SHO’s with that color. there was a special edition vert Mustang in 1990. The 7up Mustang. Same green with white leather and a white top.