i dont know what to think of anyone who believed these were real :rofl
Actually, the first one, no one could probably tell…even after the 2nd one. Don’t act like you knew the first one was fake.
90% sure if either of us care enough to check the first thread that it was posted in i said that. i dont care enough though
mildly disfunctional thing going on in their household.
They could be real. Looks like they have money and that kid has some serious problems!
wait… these are fake. FML. :facepalm
I love how in the 5th video they have an over the range microwave sitting on a counter top. Maybe it doesnt work correctly cause it can vent itself in anyway and you over heated it 60000 times
THis kid is like the long lost brother of racemyhatchintomysistersass493453245
mentally unhealthy
that is hilarious