
My daughter (on right) and a friend. Note: daughter not 18 yet! :reloading

I don’t know how you’ll take this comment, but I think your daughter is more attractive than her friend.

Is she pretty close to 18? It has to me more stressful than ever before to have a daughter that age.

and not to be an asshole, but im pretty sure the age of consent in PA is 16

sitting back waiting to see how that pic works out for ya.

LMFAO! The one on the left is hot as hell.

i thought the same thing when i saw it. Not something I would be posting on Pittspeed. haha

BTW,i thought you were Mr.Univers or something but you look just like a pudgy lil high school kid:stick:


thanks :slight_smile:

i never said i was anything near mr. universe, that was your assumption. I just wrote about what I do and my statistics in the nutrition thread. Im only 5’4 so I “look” pudgy at 175lbs and 8-9% BF. I only have so much space to put size on my frame. Thats why I decided to take mass back off of myself this past summer.

Thanks, she’ll be 18 this Friday and yes, very stressful!

most authentic…oldsangel

So…just like all the rest at a costume store?

yeah…but she makes it look good. Best damn pirate Ive ever seen…

the peg leg is real… she’s an amputee

sorry to hear, but glad to see she keeps her humor. She looks great!!! She should have won something for that one!!

rudy, im stopping over friday for a beer :moon:

just thougt i’d share mine from the other night.


Sooooooooo you started smoking?

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

That was probably not a wise post either…lol


sweet, you dressed up as a camaro owner. :mullet: