HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daddie :):):):)

happy birthday dude

happy birthday you big sexy man beast.

i mean, howie.

You are my little yellow Jellybean of love. Happy Birthday you round manly hunk-a-burnin luv.

Happy b-day


j christ howie. i STILL have a bottle of c-crossing for you.


Wow, thanks guys, how the hell is this up already lol

Happy day, my man!

Have a good one man.

Happy b-day…


:slight_smile: :wink:

Happy Birthday!!!


Happy Bday!! you go boi!

happy bday howie, hope you have a good one too


Happy Birthday Howie!!!

Jeeze, if you guys are premature posters I can just imagine how things must go in the sack for you. :ohnoes:

Anyhow, happy birthday!



oh hey happy BDAY…

happy birthday howie!!

who’s the “special” looking kid racing him? Honestly though…you do look like you have a mild case of retard.

i <3 you ian. :wink:

yes in that pic emx is not all there