Happy early Birthday Eurodad and Victorsmalls

I hope that is some sort of twisted act… because … he would never hit me.

uh ha

HAPPY B-DAY!!!..How old are you guys?


holy fuck, I thought I was old. :moon:


your not old, just your truck is.

32…wonder if you still rip on the motocross track. You got some sweat gear from the early 90’s? You know with pink and purple on them?

even better, i may still have some of the olf feroce gear that mike jones used to wear.


but it was size 32-34. it doesn’t fit anymore. i have brandnew fly gear from 01 that doesn’t fit to well anymore either. you’ll see that one of these days when i try to squeeze into it when we go riding

thanks guys and im 24 this year :slight_smile:

i heart 8 grand (the garden gnome)