Hardcore race closeup pics

Yeah, that would be bad as there are walls on each side!! :lmao

The glowing manifolds in those pictures belong to ALMS race engines so no, your f150 is not the same thing.

welll fuck thisthread then :lol


LMAO! G’d nite!!! :lol ah just kidding. Tell ya what, if you can manage to get a good quality shot of your stock f150 headers glowing like that BMW F1 motor then I guess it deserves a spot in this thread ;D

Maybe, just maybe im wrong. but looks like someone took a sharpie to a caliper


ill try you gonna rebuild it when it pops though :lol

Where, that little black squiggle towards the top of the upper-outside piston boss? That’s a lil’ bit of melt hoho right there ;D Logo is the OEM, check the very first picture in this thread.


That is what the font is on the real race brembo’s :lol


From you, yes getting warmer pic by pic ;D

:lol Ok

Hop off em, theyre plenty warm enough

Thank you, the font was my second guess.

826 Inch Chris Holbrook Ford Hemi, Makes 1760 hp on MOTOR! :ohnoes

13.5 liters :jawdrop

