Harlem Shake - HaggardLife style

LOL… where did this come from?

Was certain this thread would irritate me but it has done the exact opposite. Thank you. :slight_smile: many lols

These are awesome!

lol at The Chive HQ



The army one is the best I’ve seen yet. Got one cookin.

The sleeping bag was hilarious.


Army one gets a big thumbs up. I look forward to seeing more of these!

Girl on couch at KCCO kicking her leg up towards the ceiling made me giggle immensely

pretty good


I almost didn’t read this thread. So good.

Thanks guys.

It was quickly put together. We had many ideas AFTER the fact but, that’s how anything goes.

We all had fun making it and showing it. All that matters.

There is a drift one…


yeah this thread went from zero to hero mega quick

These are going to get epic real quick. I want to make one.



The only problem with these is theres not enough of them… yet!

There’s a guy actually, that made a youtube account just to repost the videos. He’s even compiled a pile of them into a 1 hour video… sooo there’s quite a few already.

Here’s his channel.