Hey guys!

nyspeed members just blew myspace’s bandwidth out of the water by running 454325443 consecutive searches for all "julie"s in a 200 mile radius of cleveland.



yay volkswagens!


A 2.slow MKIV with modded exhaust? You have my condolences. :rofl:


@ least it sounds pretty…lol :stuck_out_tongue:

ohhh…aaaand…there’s a little pic of my on the profile thingy mkay


so this is you>?

oh heeeeeeeeeeeyy

lol…ya dat b me :wiggle:

and it begins…


hotter than dawn.

not sure how she ranks up with the other girls though.


:newman: lol


i have that effect lately :tup:


hotter than dawn.

not sure how she ranks up with the other girls though.


yes adam… cause you’re such a pimp these days


hotter than dawn.

not sure how she ranks up with the other girls though.


Looks kinda young but clearly is not… sorta jail batey.

You like candy and vans with no windows?


You like candy and vans with no windows?


i do

and i believe i was already promised this…


i do

and i believe i was already promised this…


Get her to come, I’ll go baller and get some godiva.


Looks kinda young but clearly is not… sorta jail batey.


lol…are u kidding me?!

<---------OLD!!! lol


i do?

and i believe i was already promised this…




Get her to come, I’ll go baller and get some godiva.


this made me LOL really hard just now

mmmm chooooocolaaaate


lol…are u kidding me?!

<---------OLD!!! lol



I know but you look young, pedo friendly!


I know but you look young, pedo friendly!


lol…i’ll take that as a compliment…i think…lol

dont listen to him… this is how rob attacks…

first he says how young you look to make people feel better about themselves… then tries to bribe you with expensive chocolates…then BAM… date rape.

i wont let this happen to me again.