Hot Girl Check In...

nah, but according to my friends at your wife’s bday party… with her behavior shit… any one of us could’ve easily had a turn

so anway how about that pic…enough of the drama

Not while I was sober buddy why do you think I didn;t drink to prodtect her from rapists like you…

So Fuck off.

Oh yeah and I can’t wait to see you in person now.

Especially since this turned into Silla posting a pic of Her and Jenn and you making comments as usual.

But your probably be a little bitch and never show or make yourself known if I’m around.

ha ha… you wish… :asshole :kekegay: :kekegay: :kekegay: :kekegay:

rapist… lol

I’m sure you’ll act just like orange too in person

christ the riced out cavalier mafia is after me

p.s. sight n sound… you opened yourself up for that comment, after i already said “I’d rather not state my comeback”

ask kurt he thought the same thing dipshit. Ask anyone who was there what happend.

Talk shit about stuff you don’t know and I will come at you liek a rabid dog. Don’t fucking test me you little bitch. I don;t hide behinde a computer keyboard like you do…

your fucking mouth caused you the problem. Fucking lying tool…


if i wanted to see jenn i’d just look at teh bar pict on pewter/shaggy’s computer
if i wanted to see silla ('s ass*) i’d just look 2 inches infront of sam’s nose

:wtf: :1320:

*- just to make fun of sam :wink:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

good job little buddy!!! :grouphug:

yeah nothing good was coming out of the thread