How many songs are in your library?

According to Itunes 95.58GB - 21,528 songs

2300, 8 gb

8906 songs 45.22GB

who wants to share… ill be home this weekend

meh…little over 500, but all loaded on a slow 56gay modem soo. not too bad considering.

With a rebuilt HDD right?

If it ain’t rebuilt, bring it home anyway if ya can’t fix it.

2,583 songs 11.83 gb

my company was just acquired by a major corporation… soon i will have the tools i need to do it right… the end is near my friend, the end is near

:whistles xmen theme:

over 2000 songs

64.5 gigs. Does not include archives of Howard Stern shows.

I will not disclose that information on a public forum. :paranoid:

Jesus you people are nuts. Why not disclose? Just because I have nearly 4k songs doesnt mean any are stolen.

154:24:36 or 9.07 Gigs

i got about 2000

At home I have…

16.2 GB
3,000 Songs (most of which are at work)


38,379 mp3s on 157gigs

2665 songs, 11.01 gigs. no copies an/or repeats and not that much stolen…ok mayb a little…