How often do you....

1-2 times daily. Atleast once a day though. Dam a whole week without a bomb run? Is your room mate at least a scrawny ass 60 pound girl?

usually like 3 times a day

Couple times a day, usually morning and night. Bonus points to me for currently deucing right now… <3 laptops.

at least once a day, unless I consume large amounts of protein shakes after a workout,… then WATCH OUT!, after a session like that I could be on the shitter at least 8 times in one day… :sigh:

2-6 times a day, mad fast metabolism yo

once a week

On my 8th poop of the day… :frowning: fiber rules

had 2 today, first one was liquid hott fiiiiiiire.

1x/day? some of you guys need to actually include fiber in your diet

can i change my vote? i clicked the wrong one :stuck_out_tongue:

at least twice a day for me

Close, lol.

When I’m single, usually every time after i eat a substantial meal.

When I’m dating someone, add 1 or 2 times to go on her chest…

Once a day, and i get plenty of fiber. Its not like a water bomber. They do say if its more chunk then soild your need more fiber and to elimate shitty food from your diet.

I only shit monday through friday. oddly, just noticed this a few weeks ago.

Between 10-1030 am.

unless I’m sick / hungover.

whenever I get up the nerve to use my finger…

You once a week people are nuts. I would have so much free time if I could make my dumps once a week.

2x dumps a day at 15 minutes… thats 3.5 hrs a week. I could get 3 hours of my life back every week wtf