Um…welcome Back!!! My question is how can someone be sooooo “OG” and have 50 posts? were you locked up te past 5 years?

Whats up Frizza!

well you have 2000 posts and aren’t considered an O.G. …in real life you must be a bitch

because this site is the outcome of us all being ultra OG

hi Blk…hows it going? still with the same girll from SR? hows the car?

FS…psronline members started this shit…you know it!

yes sir, married, kid, and mustang is a garage decoration… you still around the N hills at all?

I live in Beaver…my wife had TRIPLETS!! 2 boys and a girl…shit is crazy…glad to hear you are doing well

wow. triplets. thats crazy. the teggy still around?

nah sold it…working on another turbo gsr though


~475-500hp at the crank off the bottle. Haven’t put the nawzzzz on yet.

It’s faster than Whitey’s 240, which is really the important thing.

Where in the mother fuck have you been hiding?

triplets :eek2:

Jut not part of the orginal circle jerk I guess…but welcome back and congrats on the trplets

Welcome back Frizza. Did you hang out @ Hybrid a bunch of years ago?

Its all good…you are here now! Thanks for the congrats.

Sixspeed, I hung out with all the hybrid guys before, but not at the shop…Kolar had a crush on me

post count never meant anything. “OG” is how long you have been around

true…just like quik we been down since day one

What do you mean “had”?

if you still have a crush…I still have a boner

triplets :o congrats!

:eek2: triplets
