how much PSI do you run? you can avoid diaphragms alltogether and go piston :nod
piston does not respond as fast as a diaphram.
Be careful of saving a few bucks on a knock-off part that could damage your car, you get what you pay for and quality items cost their price for a reason.
i read the opposite. hmmm. what do the rest of you have to say on the subject of piston vs diaphragm? i just dont know enough about them.
its a HKS Universal Limited Edition Black Super Sequential Blow Off Valve SSQV i didnt know HKS was Knockoff but then again i never owned a Turbo car
Is there Anyone on here who has owned a Mazdaspeed 6 im just wondering how they liekd it or what they did. A number of Forums say you gotta replace the motor mount because it causes extra stress on the driveshafts but im not sure if that even makes sence
look at the R1… i’d get that but i can’t since it’s only 1Inch outlets… they are too small for me and will cause compressor surge.
my brother sold his 3 a while ago but still has the nice rubber mats for it if u want them $50
Love the Mazdaspeed 6. Good choice.
The HKS sequential sounds like a rubber dick. Don’t get that.
Oh nevermind, I thought it was an HKS knockoff.