I love Pus seas

haha im going to chris …he had dibs on detailing my car n e ways :stuck_out_tongue:

relating to this thread, can you plant some “pus seas” in my car? :wink:

Luis will detail my car for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Depending on the day, I’ll be there too… :wink:

I’m sure he’ll play along… "D

nnahh he wudnt…hes always nice to me so ha lol

I will GUARANTEE you that, just for that comment, we’re gonna plant MORE than just one thing… :A

Let’s brainstorm now… if you have an idea, LEME HEAR IT!

for shorteaz? a cucumber :wink:

gross…i dun want my car smellin like vegetables lol

Gabe… You just lost a customer!