pic only if she wins … and it’s a new day
quite a few tasty treats in that list
I have some serious issues with this contest. Mainly that I have more booty than 90% of these girls. I cannot vote for any of them in good confidence and be able to live with myself.
I mean, look at these pictures. Right off the bat, anyone who is turned sideways or facing front (WTF YOU IDIOT?! BOOTY CONTEST, HELLOOO?!!) ain’t got no booty. I don’t care how you try to myspace-angle your scrawny behind, and hide it in black pants that try to make your butt look bigger than it is, it’s not working.
Look at #68, #66, and #15 just for example. How did these girls even make the first cut?! It looks like their pants are just pulled up over their backs. :roll2:
How the hell is #27 winning? She’s not even showing her butt! :meh:
103 should have their booty contest licence pulled. This is a travesty. :mad: :tdown:
I will wish #38 good luck. But that’s as far as I can go.
done, she’s pretty hot
hehe you should call and speak your mind rick! that could be quite interesting :lol:
I don’t think I could wake up that early.
Looks like it’s an almost dead heat between Mike’s friend and #65 as of 12:25am.
OK you owe us nudes, I posted it on OT and she now has a HUGE COMMANDING lead…
as soon as the contest if over you got it
Sympathy vote to #57
when is it over?
:shrug: got me
rock the vote :tspry:
this thread fucking joker!
& voted :tup:
Voted for your friend.
And #12 is a hottie…
got the newds now? or going to take them :noes:
They rig this for sure, look at the results now… vs. yesterday