i rarely drink pop...

I 100% agree…:beer2:


On a second note, newman, if your gonna drink caffeine than you need to hit it up crunk stylezzzz… withhttp://www.ozonemag.com/mar2005/600/A-pg04.jpg



His brother did say that…

rebull = gateway drug



beef = bull
newman = vegetarian
vegetarians don’t eat meat products (including pussy)
newman drinking a red BULL supposedly goes against his vegan diet. get it?

no. that isn’t true. The taurine (which can come from animal sources) is derived from a non-animal source. I have looked into it.

It must suck doing research before you eat or drink something, I guess that explains your weight (or lack there of)


whew…and all this time I thought they were really putting cow bile into that stuff.

i drank a glass of cow blood on a dare once, mighty tasty, just really coats the mouth bad, like greasy almost

its all about mountain dew amp… best enery drink imo


redbull tastes like panther piss.

what’s on it that it taste like shit…not to bad when you mix it with vodka tho

X 1000000000000


damn thats a shit load of sugar and shit. does it even taste good? I know I didn’t like red bull.

I drink a enrergy drink that doesn’t have any sugar . can you believe that and not even caffine. that’s some crazy stuff…

haha, I drink energy drinks and water mostly. I dont drink nearly as much pop as I used to. which is good for me not to have all the sodium and shit, blah…

Energy Drinks for life :tup: