this has already been tried and discussed and the shit fell right through the floor last time as well
so we have a pool party / barbecue at my house.
shaler cops don’t care.
first off…i got no reason to fight…
but they would care if they got a call that some black guy was beating up a white kid…lol
theres some fight orginizations that allow strikeing(open or closed fist) while standing but if the fight goes to the gronnd then its just a submission fight. but since no one will be allowed to hide behind their keyboards, i doubt this will go anywhere. :booty:
i would
anytime :naughty:
It’s amazing that the Pittspeed crew missed the oppurtunity to question why it takes a homosexual to knowledgeably discuss your pecker. Please elaborate.
that come back is so good you should be castrated!
those guys would twist you in ways your old body won’t bend…
if you really need me to elaborate as to why I would question Quik’s sexuality for having an intimate knowledge of my penis, especially since I’ve only met him one in person. And that was at the WOW show, so unless he was hiding in a stall peeking when I was taking a piss, there is no logical explanation why he should have this knowledge. And the fact that he carries this wisdom with him to recite on the internet is a whole other can of worms.
Cliffs: :greddy: