If you don't think this is the greatest GIF ever, I will fight you.

The gif with the fat lady falling in the hole behind the counter IS THE BEST

LOL, every time I see that I can’t stop watching it and laughing. I’m going to hell for sure. I’m laughing right now just thinking about it.:stuck_out_tongue:

:biglaugh: Well played, sir. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/clap2.gif

And I’m sorry, but Not the Father > Fat Lady falling in hole http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/sorrysmiley.gif (with American Idol head smash guy close on her tail) :smiley:

You serious?


not serious … that guy your talking about is Roberto … … cool guy just a little screwed in the head … all he does is dance up and down delaware all day…

sometimes you will even catch him playing his favorite musical instrument … the mailbox

I like mine from my Myspace.


Damnit dude…i just spit water laughing at that.

