im back....

harro-san , moar Vdubs in da haus, welcome

p.s. please excuse my terrible internet lingo

welcome looks like a nice dub!


I thought you were trying to spell out B - E - C - K


oh ZING!

welcome back i guess:headbang:

oh snap my car twin! <3 erik! welcom back!

holy stretch.


LOL, I was wondering what would happen if BIG B met BIG E, would time stop or would they cancel each other out or something like that :gotme:

Hola :wave:

That would indeed happen. We must all do everything in our power to prevent it. Save Big B, Save the World.





that day ruled real hard.

welcome home.

that pic just means haenszel needs to find a job back home.


that pic just means haenszel needs to find a job back home.


don’t worry bout it. we’re doing big things :snky:

you’re welcome :wink:
