im bored at work... and thought this e-mail that i got was funny. watch out boys :)

Or better yet, a minor.

hahaha sooo true.

This is why men can’t have nice things

A keyed bike and a bleached out car interior later…

I still agree with you

lol, you guys are buggin… Have fun having bitches stalking you outside your house 4 six hours, threatening to call the cops and say that you beat them if you dont come outside… Also have fun having a 7 foot key mark across your favorite vehicle… Last, have fun with the crazy bitch stealing your car key and three hours later sending you a text message with the fucker inside her Va jay jay.

fuucckkk thaatt

THATS NOT ME :slight_smile:

didnt say it was, you are 100% perfect :)… thus far :ninja

awwww stopppp :slight_smile:

been there

except for the keys in the vagina, that would make me giggle as i broke out my spare set.

lol, worddd

i’ve never had anything that crazy happen…i ditch crazy girls the second the crazy gets too much to handle. which usually isn’t that long, thankfully the only crazy girl that i dated for a long time was into cars also so she would never touch my car, and that my cars get locked up.