in this thread, you will challenge someone to a fistfight

you just got into a world of hurt and there aint no turning back now. i will eat your face. pms has nothing on me. I WILL RUIN YOU. and when im done my child will straight up do a chuck norris roundhouse kick on your ass from my vag…so i welcome your challenge little man.

anyways, i would also like to call out jeff…there is only so much food that can be split between us. in the up coming months i foresee this becoming a problem. i will continue to eat your purple and orange Popsicle until then though.


Post pics of vag or :ban:

I challenge Pewter. He’ll probably break a hip (Or something else that old people break easily) before we even get to fight so I will win by default.

bring it!!!:hsdance:

I will try to find a walker or a wheel chair to bring with me in case something happens to you.


a wheel chair PLEASE!!:burnout::boink

i challenge Shaggys space bar

Damn, you already won.

I challenge joe to hot dogs