facebook (omg i am on facebook now)
start cycle over again
i spend a few hours a day online… it keeps me happy at work.
i still manage to get everything done in less than the expected time simply because most people are idiots and spend hours just trying to figure out what the hell they are doing anyways.
we’ve had meetings at work about whether or not to allow internet usage on company time. i skipped the meeting but e-mailed out a quote: “it’s 2008, the internet is more important than real life”
no changes to the policy.
i spend alot of time on facebook and msn networking and have recruited a few guys into the network. just got off the phone with another… and im not even close to being in that dept.
NYSpeed. Various news sites thanks to iGoogle. That’s about it.
I wish my job was challenging enough that I didn’t have time to go online. Every year at Praxair you have to set about a half dozen “critical goals” for yourself for the year. They’re major projects/milestones above and beyond your day to day job. Your level of completion weighs heavily into your year end review. By the end of August I will only have one left. :hang: