Is Fry Ok?

outer space.

I love that “Are you OK?” caught on.

It was Dex’s idea for the title of that thread…

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday.


I’m just saying OK.

^ :lol:

oh and in for txtg

doing it

Post his number for all to text…

Then everyone call teh conference call and dial him in.

Yah mo…k?

im not posting his #

but my text will say

“Are you OK”

I’m not cool enough to have Fry’s number :frowning:

almost there…

ok and go

lol sent

Thats awesome. +karma for everyone.

sent also

Me either, but I got his momma’s off a bathroom stall at caputis

removed, at dawns’ reqeust

lol i wana know who that is

oh and i sent them one to i hope they are ok

removed, at dawns’ reqeust

that was not fry’s number, but whoever’s it was, just got an “are you OK?”