Is Fry Ok?

do you still live in the middle of nowhere? if so, is there somewhere near there i can tear around like a maniac on a dirtbike?

Just wait till I get home…:rant:


hurry up. i’m bored and tired of picking up after you.

this is not going to end well

yea my yard…even better use my bike :gotme:

oh and i just leghumped the shit out of that #

Maybe i’d treat you a little better if you didn’t let yourself go.

Get to the gym or something.

oh god. i’m going to have to find a room mate for jay.

Maybe i’d treat you a little better if you didn’t let yourself go.

Get to the gym or something and stop eating all day!


375 month you get a room and your own shitter … and amish people that ride by the window are free…

He tried repairing his house’s foundation, failed miserably and is now stuck under the rubble. Someone go help him.

discounts for live in babyshitter?

to make matters worse, you clearly had other guys over as i just found this note on my fridge. who in the fuck is matt (lowlyoilburner) and why in the fuck is he drinking my beer?

is Dex the guy at Best Buy named Dan? If so I busted a nut in his nasal passage and it only cost me $5.50. :shrug:

not true. i was over there last night. the foundation is fine.



Dear dex,

I drank your beers.

Sorry. I’ll call the insurance company tomorrow.
