It's because you put binary in your sig...







-. . .-. -… … … – … .- .-. . … .-- . . -

fuzzy wirh morse code. so fly,


Ju jeni gjithçka budallaqe…translate that bitch

what the fuck language is that? i’ve tried everything i can think of.

good luck. Hint, its spoken in about 3 countries, thats it…well that and enclaves around the world

well i found something on Bulgaria, but i dont know what language it is.

shqipe, you were close, more cyrillic

ok well dude, i did Greek, Czech, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian.

is it like, Siberian, or Yugoslavian??

Shqipe is Albanian for well…Albanian. It was spoken in regions of what was Yugoslavia but that was broken up in 1992. It is the major language of Albania (derrr), Macedonia, Montenegro and the Region of Serbia called Kosovo which is predominantly inhabited by Ethnic Albanians…Much like florida is predominatly inhabited by Hispanics :stuck_out_tongue:

I was wondering what Shqipe was. Hahhaa. :smiley:

Well, my brain feels exercised for the night. Thanks!

My mind = Totally blown