It's on factory wheels and has a front plate

No prob. Thank you guys for the comments.

Thanks! Sides look black in these pictures but they’re actually cleared 1x1 carbon. Almost painted them gloss black, but happy I didn’t. I like how different lighting really changes their look.

18 lbs! :number1

I have AP1 wheels with Blizzak WS60s for winter. I ran it daily through mid-January the first year I had the car with no trouble. I’ve never had a truck, but the s2k with snows is THE BEST vehicle I’ve ever driven on snow. Kills FWD with all seasons. It’s so balanced and confident despite its weight. I wasn’t lowered at the time with a front lip though and ground clearance is a limiting factor. The car never really gets put into storage, but I have a company car now for daily use so the s2k gets spared. I did what I had to at the time, but now I’m too afraid of someone sliding into it.

Authentic CF Mugen is $5k before paint. Mine is made by an s2ki sponsor and the fitment is comparable to the real thing. Mounting hardware isn’t as sophisticated however. Overall, extremely pleased with it.