Jerry's Curb Service

debbies delite? is that place still open


Shit, I’m like 2 minutes away guys.

Hell on a nice night like last night you should have been there on principle. Next time I’ll let the board know.

would have gone but didnt get your text till this morning jeff. i want me some jerrys :frowning:

No invite for me either

my best freinds got married tonight iand i was best man ! ahahahadadww!!!` i liove beer

Why u always posting things about ur life,nowone here gives aFUCK on what u do on a daily bases,go post on!:tool:


they have a website for this already,

What if Twitter goes under? It’s on the outs.

you would know… sitting on your computer all day what a loser (sorry shaggy) lol

Sorry, it’s my job. But you wouldn’t know what that is. :kekegay:

me either!


I’ll still kick your ass


can’t wait to go back keep venturing out farther and farther with my car. will give more notice next time.

Riding in the Jewish version of a truck is more then interesting. All I can tell people its a cross between chitty chitty bang bang/the tourettes guy/helen color and steve urkel.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

are you trying to spell helen keller?