Job Design Lexus flagship

soccer mom my foot! i want that!

those arent m3 mirrors

STFU!!! m3 style MIrroORz!! woo

vaguely but ok

vaguely, my ass. Any side mirror with the split style is all M3 HaWTnnESzs

closest thing i can think of is this
but i think its some sort of aftermarket mirror

those are stock. But no one says “Yo kid, I gotz ma mad sex celica side mirrorz”… it’s m3 style ;D

lexus is sick, i dont like m3 mirrors or m3 ‘style’ mirrors…i think the m3 ‘style’ ruined it for the real ones, for me anyhow…

M3 mirrors without convex glass suck so hard. srsly.

how hard benny?


peter north hard?


reference to a male porn star… not too sure what to say to that

nothing, dont worry about it. i sometimes say shit like that. makes ur thought train come to a screeching halt and not move for a while. just let it go :lol

ok so far you’ve named another mans hard cock, and mentioned “train” in the following post…hmmmm :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja

but for it to be VIP style in NEEDS to have limo tint. most are required to have curtains. you dont see many japanese gangsters rolling around with clear windows.

ill throw in “tip drill” in the mix too, just in case

straight up nut to butt

So…Is it fast? or is the frontmount just for show? :crackup :confused

when ur car looks that dope, it doesnt have to be fast