Joey k20 gets a wet suprise in h2o

yetti has:

-most of the “fail” pics
-pic of me with a random stuffed giraffe in a car
-funnay pics of me and pete on the cruise down
-pics and vids of joey dancing in rd, “JEFFEY GORDON boi” on the balcony and pete in the parking lot

i have:
-vidz of the 2 hunge rippin it w/ no exhaust
-pics of 2 hunge blowin smoke
-sick rolling shots of bigred
-vid of interaction with the 09 STi that got stuck at the show on sunday
-moar fail pics
-vidz of mk430r jumping one of the “streams” at the show on sunday and almost falling

im tyring to find someone who has a USB wire for my camera in my dorm building so i can upload them but no luck so far