
I told him let me know when he does so I can come watch.

because he has to get revenge :ahh

well the marro is gettin a new exh shortly maybe a dual setup lets see how that lights his fire

u want those bassanis?

or we can just get my car out there with the fat cam, No cats and no muffler. That will wake shit up from the dead.

whoa its got a sweet exhaust now

your car is damn loud, i wonder if your is louder than mine, ive been told my car is pretty loud.

get me some measurements of them mostly lenght ,thickness ,and center /offset

fuck it lets go three wide ,who said we cant get rerevenge on him

ok, if you want them we can just subtract if from the clutch job say 200?

we shall talk ,but the clutch aint me iys my boss but ill see what i can do

it isnt gonna be for a few months anyway

I can doez big N20 burnouts?? lol


ahhh there we go 4 wide .2 chevys and 2 fords lets do it

Well be out front, since we’re faster =-P

thats why i like ya always thinkin like your the man ,and not gettin buthurt when proved wrong

Yup lol

throw an olds in there and count me in :thumbup

for the people that know where i live, they are more then welcome to do burnouts, a friend does it everytime he leaves my house…

the following morning i ask my mom

  • did you hear that last night?

  • she replies, yea, who was that?
    me- that was cameo in his shit box

her- oh, ok then she laughs.

my neighbors don’t give a toot ethier, John,shoulda done a burnout infront of my house LOL! :lol

its not fun if you can just do it. … you can do that anywhere.

When john left last night with a 10 ft smile on his face i knew it wasnt gunna be good.