Just stopping in...


Miss you kjuggs !

I should be up that way this fall for a few days.

Jesus. The girl looks like Kelly Osborne… Or at least she ate her.

i’d like to see everyone on here who’s hatin on the chunky bitch post up pics of what they are fuckin… if anything at all

You first. Im SRS.

Shut the fuck uppppppp, let me guess… You used to be fat…

oh shit, i said ‘hatin’ lol

ok, heres her pic:

thats right, nothing, thats probably why i wouldn’t hesitate to free willy on Ms Beached Whale

and i’m not fat, i’m big boned

The girls fucking gross, end of story… I don’t give a fuck how nice of a person she is or how many animals she’s saved from being put down…

its a hole, hopefully shaved at least

not to picky

Yeah it’s a hole surrounded by fucking 30lb ham bones on each side.

Ruthless in this thread. With that being said, I agree. I would not make sex

meh, whatever, i could take it or leave it really but its not something that would automatically send me screaming

thighs are a good thing i thoughtt… followed by a fat ass. hahahaha

WWS? I would say probably not…

I am going out on a limb to say that wayne would not smash either

Yeah but nobody wants a chick with a gut :lol



KillerBlackbird would smash.

Oh hai kdubzzzzz…