Ken Block showing off....

yeaaa just like that demotivational poster of the 3 vipers behing a mazda miata on a track “Experience > money”

Best post of the month

miata was probably getting lapped for the 3rd time


touche :ninja

That guys my hero

:+1 :+1 :+1 :+1 :+1

Thank god my car is in the shop or i would be doing drift laps around my house right now…

I would kill to have a place like that to drive around in.

Fixed that for you.

Don’t judge jerkwad

Don’t we all Jesse?
Seriously find a place like that.

First you find a field for Tercelympics 2008.

Im caling Joe tonight, it will be an epic battle.


Where can I learn to drive even remotely close to that level? For less than the cost of my right testicle.

Walmart. 3am.

I guess working my way up to sliding around light posts at 40mph would be a good way to start.

Wait so DON’T practice around roundabouts at 11am in traffic less than 1/8 mile from both a state trooper barracks, and not to mention Sherriff’s station??


You’re a rebel.

…Where were you watching that from? …:shifty

