L5 fenders

k bye

spacers are for RICER FAGGOTS like RBakerian.

what else would u like me to do? buy a 14" wide wheel?

that’s a pretty dumb question

^ Better offset wheels!

the wheels i have now are fine. they will look great with a larger spacer.

different offset and a wider wheel would work. neither of which im going to do.

def do it

finally some fellow LSx love

I got lsx love but you sir are a jerk

I was kidding, you don’t remember me constantly nagging cryan to get some spacers?


CRyan would rather buy ricer head lights

noted, ill remember that next time u call asking for advice or something to do. :Idiots

i forgot

eitherway, do want these fenders and a loud ass exhaust.

looks stupid. just leave it, vette looks great as it sits

Fine next time you call looking for plans I shall light a flaming bag of dog poo on your front steps

no boys allowed, men only. now GTFO and take DUKEBOI with u

thank you for letting me quote this so the police will know who to arrest when my house burns down.

ps: this happened to me in my old house at 3am and i was running around the neighborhood in my boxers looking for the fags who did it. the fucking house would have caught on fire if it werent for my father who happened to be up and just so happened to look outside. no doorbell or anything.

Lmao only you would let your house burn down due to a flaming bag of dog poop.

there was no doorbell ring or any indication of a flaming bad of shit. think about it dumbass, if u have a doormat, chances are its one of those wicker ones. they will go up fast! and that might light your vinyl siding on fire. then what???

think before u speak next time