Light up shoes

if they give you more hp, better give them to burnyd so he might be able to catch whitey

One of the Steelers from the 1st superbowl, Ernie Holmes, I think, wore shoes with goldfish in the heel…Not on the field though.

I wonder how he feed them :ugh:

dont knock mah driving shoes

I dont see you stepping up to race me on foot! Better call 1320 to see if you can buy some of his nike’s first !

no… i wouldn’t

maybe for a kid…but any grow ass man who puts these on is an ass-clown

its not even a point deduction its a definate man card suspension

I’ll race you on foot. Dont worry I’m big and slow.


So with all this foot race talk. When is the track and field day?

O snap! That would be fucking great!:bigthumb:

you mean the spacial Olympics


light up shoes for grown ups is as bad as having hubcaps on a sunfire.

I think we finally found the missing link

That was frenchie fequar (sp) if i’m not mistaken


