LOLOL, 37yr old school board member "SEXTS" 14yr old boy

lmao…nawww, i dont believe it

:rofl do you know who im talking about? you can pm if you dont wanna post names

i wished in highschool i could have unloaded on my teachers face, some of them were fucking DIMES

no shes fucking awesome

niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thats how u do it, not cry to your fucking sister

Did you even read the thread Singh? Sister ratted him out.

dude im joking, of course i saw that, but hes still dumb for letting her see the sexts. WTF man keep that shit secrete and just bang your teacher for free A’s and BJ’s

I don’t understand. If I was banging my teacher I wouldn’t fucking tell anyone. These dudes always ruining it and shit. Morons.

Please read above


…Have a sit. :rofl
