looky please

Trash talking is fun and all but there is a certain extent it shouldn’t go past.

It’s been sometime for any activity from me, but I have beaten up on a few people on here :ninja

i may or may not have flagged a race a time or two while in montreal, mexico

Just Juan or two?

Do I really need to embarassingly race my 15 sec car to stay in here? I just like reading the stories and watching the videos haha.

Who even has the authority in here.

Fuck the forum is named after me and I can’t do shit. Makes me rage

I heard John was in a white Evo one time as it rapidly pulled away from a white Camaro SS (SSSSSSSSSSSSSS).

as mentioned before we need 2 sections one section devoted to stuff like the highbridge meet thread where street racing is lightly talked about and everyone thats in srs cud have axcess too and srs section where people like me could read but not post due to me not doing the do…im sure that would take alot of clutter out of srs but still allow people to read about who raced who yada yada yada…just an idea

Keep me…some of the threads in this section are :lol

We need a porn section.


Likely the route I’ll be going.

It will most likely be simply password protected.

Easier to get in from messaging other members but it (ideally) will have less sensitive content to prying eyes.

You should WIPE IT ALL OUT. Invite only from the start. Seems like it’s a mess now.

Password protected won’t work. I can guarantee you someone will spout it off.

Why would you be able to view a section and not post? Makes no sense, the only reason it’s restricted is so you can’t see it…

At the moment it doesn’t matter as somebody keeps letting people in at their own will.

I have no clue who.

All it takes is one major person in the SRS that doesn’t belong there to cause massive issues for current members.

I’m aware.

is there a way to set it up so that you can see who invited who?

It’s not technically invite, it’s changing the user account to a different group… group that has access to the section.

And don’t know. Never had to check admin logs so no clue what they show, but at the moment I don’t have access to those…

What was done on the other forum I am on is it was password protected and there was a thread on the inside where you posted up who you wanted to give access to. If it was a debate a debate thread was made. If the password leaked it could always be changed and if it was found who leaked it that person was banned permanently from the entire forum.

no questions asked.

That made it alot easier for admin then adding this person to that group and blah blah blah

i raced a focus with my sonata a few weeks ago :number1
